Διεπιστημονική Ομάδα του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου για την αποκατάσταση του Ιερού Κουβουκλίου του Πανάγιου Τάφου στα Ιεροσόλυμα

Chief Scientific Responsible: Prof. A. Moropoulou

Scientific Responsibles of the Interdisciplinary Team: Prof. A. Moropoulou (Head), Prof. Emm. Korres (member of the Academy of Athens), Prof. A. Georgopoulos, Prof. C. Spyrakos, Ass. Prof. Ch. Mouzakis

NTUA School of Civil Engineering: Prof. C. Spyrakos, Ass. Prof. Ch. Mouzakis, Prof. Emeritus P. Marinos, Ass. Prof. M. Kavvadas, EDIP S. Asimakopoulos, EDIP L. Karapitta, Dr. Ch. Maniatakis, PhD Cand. L. Panoutsopoulou

NTUA School of Architecture: Prof. Emeritus Emm. Korres, V. Chasapis Arch

NTUA School of Chemical Engineering: Prof. A. Moropoulou, Prof. Emeritus G. Batis, Ass. Prof. A. Bakolas, EDIP E. T. Delegou, EDIP M. Karoglou, EDIP K. C. Lampropoulos, EDIP P. Moundoulas †, Dr. N. Vesic (Father Ambrosius), Dr M. Apostolopoulou, Dr E. Tsilimantou, PhD Cand. Emm. Alexakis, PhD Cand. D. Giannakopoulos, PhD Cand. B. Keramidas, PhD Cand. A. Kolaiti, PhD Cand. M. Kroustallaki, PhD Cand. I. Ntoutsi, Dr. A. Zacharopoulou, N. Galanaki, M. Kalofonou, Z. Karekou. Dissemination and administrative support A. C. Lampropoulou. Finance and administrative support G. Skoulaki. Technical support, I. Mountrichas.

School of Rural and Surveying Engineering: Prof. A. Georgopoulos, Prof. Ch. Ioannides, Prof. E. Lambrou †, Prof. G. Pantazis, Ass. Prof. A. Doulamis, ETEP S. Soile, ETEP S. Tapeinaki, ETEP R. Chliverou, Phd. Cand. P. Agrafiotis, PhD Cand. E. Stathopoulou, L. Kotoula, F. Bourexis, A. Papadaki, N. Tsonakas, P. Nikolakakou, M. Skamantzari

The Interdisciplinary NTUA team has cooperated for specific studies with other NTUA Schools, Laboratories and scientific collaborators:

Prof. S. Kourkoulis, Dr E. Passiou from NTUA School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Science, Electrical Engineer Dr. A. Menychtas, Mechanical Engineers M. Agapakis, A. Fragkiadoulakis, S. Theocharis and Chem. Eng. I. Agapakis

NTUA Inter-Departmental Postgraduate Program “Protection of monuments”, Direction “Materials and Conservation Interventions”: Graduate students D. Giannakopoulos, A. Zargli, A. Kolaiti, E. Koukouras, M. Kroustallaki have contacted Master Theses interconnected to the project.

 The Interdisciplinary NTUA team has cooperated for specific studies with: University of Piraeus, University of Peloponnese, Agricultural University of Athens, Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration (I.G.M.E.), Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP S.A.) and TerraMarine S.A.

Specifically, with Ass. Prof. D. Kyriazis (Electrical Engineer) from the University of Piraeus, Prof. N. Zacharias from the University of Peloponnese, EDIP A. Tsagkarakis from the Agricultural University of Athens, G. Economou and Ch. Papatrechas from the Institute of Geology & Mineral Exploration (I.G.M.E.), A. Aggelopoulos, E. Karampelas and D. Tamvakeras from Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP S.A.) and P. Sotiropoulos from TerraMarine S.A.

Project Manager: N. Moropoulos, Civil Engineer – Informatics

Construction Site Manager: Th. Mitropoulos, Architect of the Common Holy Sepulchre Technical Bureau

Deputy Construction Site Manager: Ass. Prof. Ch. Mouzakis

Assistant Deputy Construction Site Manager and Head of the Restorers and Masons Team: V. Zafeiris Civil Engineer

Restorers and Masons Team: I. Andritsopoulos, C. Theodorakis, A. Karydis, P. Chaloftis, G. Anastasiadis Senior Marble Mason, G. Palamaris Marble Mason

Conservators Team: Th. Mavridis MSc Conservator, Employee of the Greek Ministry of Culture detached to NTUA for the project (Head), M. Troullinos Conservator, K. Karathanou, MSc Archaeologist- Conservator, Employee of the Greek Ministry of Culture detached to NTUA for the project, Am. Troullinou Conservator, Ar. Troullinou Conservator

Special acknowledgements are attributed to:

The Project Owners Committee, Guardians of the Holy Land: His Beatitude the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Theophilos III, His Paternity the Custos of the Holy Land, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa (until May 2016 – now the Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem), Fr. Francesco Patton (from June 2016), and His Beatitude the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Nourhan Manougian

The Holy Sepulchre Common Technical Bureau: Dr. Th. Mitropoulos, Architect (Head of the Common Technical Bureau from the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate), O. Hamdan Architect, C. Benelli Architect (from the Franciscan Order) and I. Badalian, Architect (from the Armenian Patriarchate)

Companies providing instruments, services and materials: TerraMarine, JGC Geoinformation Systems S.S., NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH, GEOSYSCO GEONIFORMATION SYSTEMS Ltd, SINTECNO Hellas ABETE, Dalkafouki Oikos Ltd, BOOKA CHEMICALS HELLAS I.K.E., EVOCHEM S.A., KRYSTALLOTEXNIKI

Scientists cooperating on archaeological and theological issues: His Eminence Archbishop Aristarchos, Elder Secretary-General of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Franciscan Father E. Alliata, of the Custody of the Holy Land, Archaeologist and Professor at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem, Dr. G. Avni, Head of the Archaeological Division in the Israel Antiquities Authority, Dr. J. Seligman, Archaeologist, Director of the Excavations, Surveys and Research Department of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Prof. Michael Turner, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Dr. Fr. Hiebert and K. Romey, Archeologists, National Geographic Society

In the post-project period, acknowledgements are attributed to Dr. A. Kioussi, Archaeologist, C. Farmakidi †, Archaeologist, Prof. B. Smith, Lincoln Professor of Classical Archaeology and Art, Oxford University, Dr. St. Athanasiou, Institute for Christian-Catholic Theology, University of Bern, and Prof. A. Tselikas, Palaeographical Archive, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation.